Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Shortcuts & Shortcomings: Why Raspberry Ketones Aren't Worth the Hype

A friend of mine recently showed me this YouTube video about a new diet pill that she heard about and asked me to share my thoughts on it. Raspberry Ketone supposedly shrinks existing fat cells in the body and makes it harder for fats to accumulate. This product does have several studies supporting the reported weight loss, so having it publicly endorsed like this is not false advertisement. There have been several testimonies from others who have used this product and the results seem very promising. 

Dr. Oz endorsed this product on his TV show, which begged the question: should I trust him?Oz is considered highly creditable making this video already less suspicious. He explained what and how the drug works in a fashion that's easy to understand for all audiences. His credentials as a physician and honest TV host made his claims very easy to trust. He created a logical argument, using logos, and used everyday speech. Oz also addressed that all types of people who are trying to lose weight can use this diet pill, which appealed to a wider audience.

With all this in mind, I still firmly believe this product is not as magical and effective as it claims.  The key thing to remember from this video is that you have to consistently take this pill (assuming it works), and once you've started, your fat cells will start to regenerate or swell up again. You have to consider many other factors now:

1) If you have the financial means to keep purchasing this product consistently
2) Whether you buy the right Raspberry Ketone product
3) If this product does what it claims, then it raises suspicions that this may not be as all-natural as it is marketed; it may be created synthetically as a chemical additive

Factor #2 brings me to this next site:

It warns you of the dangers of Raspberry Ketone fraud from a credited physician and dietitian from JFK hospital, making this a legitimate argument. She also reminds her audience that she has no stake in the outcome of Raspberry Ketone sales, making her warnings more likely to be out of her own good nature. She lists that there are counterfeit products made from China that have adverse effects and we should be wary of these. She lists 4 simple tips to identify the right USA-made product. The image below is the creditable Raspberry Ketone label 


Although the product does look promising, and the way Dr. Oz describes it for his audience does use the correct clinical terms for what the pills do, I still disagree and believe everyone should diet and lose weight the natural way (by means of a healthy diet and exercise).

Other than the 3 important reasons I've listed earlier, I believe that if you create very healthy diets and exercise regiments for yourself, you have a much healthier attitude and are less likely to slip back to your old weight-gaining habits. Once you've committed yourself to this healthier routine, you condition your mentality and your body to carry out these tasks. When you go a day without eating right and exercising, you actually feel more tired and less joyful (which further motivates you to continue). It's much safer, cost-effective, and less risky. 

Just keep in mind that pills like Raspberry Ketone and other diet supplements are shortcuts, and shortcuts never take you far in the long run.

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